Categorie: 2022

Interventia AURSF a facut diferenta – Testimonial Cristinel Rizea

Sunt beneficiarul unui credit imobiliar „Prima Casa” din anul 2019, la Raiffeisen Bank. La data semnarii contractului, dobanda creditului se calcula conform indicelui ROBOR 3M. In baza OUG 19/29.03.2019 pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normative, se precizeaza ca dobanda creditului se poate schimba si calcula conform indicelui IRCC, in

Joint Letter: Upcoming Retail Investment Strategy: debunking the “advice gap”

On 28 November 2022, BETTER FINANCE together with BEUC and Finance Watch, published a public letter addressed to Vice-President Dombrovskis, and Commissioners McGuinness and Reynders, to encourage them to continue with an ambitious approach with regards to the Retail Investment Strategy and the stated goal of creating bias-free advice. Download

AURSF la Banking Forum by Financial Intelligence 2022

AURSF a avut din nou oportunitatea de a puncta, prin intermediul lui Alin Iacob, presedintele asociatiei, în evenimentul Banking Forum by Financial Intelligence 2022, care sunt principalele provocari în acest moment pentru consumatorii utilizatori de servicii financiare din România. Am aratat, cu cifre concrete si cu argumente, de ce este

Engage to counter Greenwashing! and The Real Return: 10 years of reporting on the state of long-term & pension savings in Europe

Better Finance has just launched two videos: “Engage to counter Greenwashing!”, and “The Real Return: 10 years of reporting on the state of long-term & pension savings in Europe”. As you know, BETTER FINANCE is committed to fight Greenwashing. In this video, we aim to inform about greenwashing in finance,

Observatii si propuneri AURSF la proiectul Strategiei Nationale pentru dezvoltarea pietei de capital

AURSF solicita cresterea importantei acordate investitorilor individuali in Strategia nationala privind piata de capital. De asemenea, AURSF isi exprima totala disponibilitate de a participa in mod activ la echilibrarea planului de actiune asa incat sa fie stimulat in mod efectiv comportamentul investitional al cetatenilor obisnuiti, in conditiile unui inalt grad

European insurers between solvency, inflation and rising interest rates

BETTER FINANCE, BdV Press Releases BdV and BETTER FINANCE once again examine the stability of the main EU insurers This year, the German Association of Insured (BdV) together with BETTER FINANCE and Zielke Research again examined selected European life insurers. The 10 largest life insurance companies from France, Spain, Italy,

Financial Repression | Low ECB Interest Rates & High Inflation generate a Loss of €1 Trillion in Purchasing Power for European Savers in 2022 alone

BETTER FINANCE Press Releases In a late bid to address soaring inflation in the Euro area, the European Central Bank (ECB) increased interest rates for the first time in 11 years in July 2022, raising its main rate to 0 percent after eight years of negative rates, and reaching 0,75%