Etichetă: better finance

Joint Letter: Upcoming Retail Investment Strategy: debunking the “advice gap”

On 28 November 2022, BETTER FINANCE together with BEUC and Finance Watch, published a public letter addressed to Vice-President Dombrovskis, and Commissioners McGuinness and Reynders, to encourage them to continue with an ambitious approach with regards to the Retail Investment Strategy and the stated goal of creating bias-free advice. Download

Background: “EU Pensions seem doomed with ‘Financial Repression’ as the only game in town”

Date: 10th October 2022 Author: BETTER FINANCE Type: Press Releases Eurozone inflation mushroomed from 3.4% to 10% in one year, further deepening Europe’s cost-of-living crisis, yet the best the European Central Bank (ECB) could muster is a late and timid hike of interest rate from 0 to 0.75%. Financial repression

BETTER FINANCE Applauds and Supports Proposed Ban on Sales Commissions Paid to Retail Distributors of Investment Products

Date: 25th October 2022 Author: BETTER FINANCE Type: Press Releases BETTER FINANCE considers the recent proposal to ban “inducements” (commissions) in “retail” investment services to be a very significant milestone in investor protection and firmly urges EU Member States to also support it. EU authorities are currently working on the

Engage to counter Greenwashing! and The Real Return: 10 years of reporting on the state of long-term & pension savings in Europe

Better Finance has just launched two videos: “Engage to counter Greenwashing!”, and “The Real Return: 10 years of reporting on the state of long-term & pension savings in Europe”. As you know, BETTER FINANCE is committed to fight Greenwashing. In this video, we aim to inform about greenwashing in finance,

Better Finance: European Commission releases watered down Capital Markets Union (CMU) Action Plan

24 September 2020 – The European Commission’s (EC) Directorate-General for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) published a third action plan to build a Capital Markets Union (CMU) – this time for “people and businesses” – which sets 16 policy and regulatory objectives in order to

Stakeholders and authorities show faith in European Personal Pension (Pepp)

PEPP only called into question by finance industry due to high costs for intermediaries 22 September 2020 – The latest draft of the Pan-European Personal Pension (PEPP) delegated (level 2) regulation was up for discussion last Friday during a broad and well-attended conference on the issue of PEPP and Financial

EU Citizens as Users sidelined in favour of Financial Industry in European Financial Policymaking and Supervision

Brussels, 20 July 2020 – The new composition of the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) “Stakeholder Groups” is a step backwards with regard to a balanced representation between industry and consumers in EU financial rulemaking. This is the result of the recent ESAs reform, which reduced the quotas for consumers and

Major success for financial services users: European Commission rejected the delay of the implementation of the new Shareholder Rights

Brussels, 4 June 2020 – On 29 April 2020 the heads of European and Member State organisations representing individual shareholders across Europe sent an Open Letter to the European Commission (EC) opposing lobbying attempts led by powerful financial intermediaries to postpone the implementation of the Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD