Categorie: 2023

AURSF s-a implicat activ in cazul meu – testimonial Victor Duduiala

Prin acest testimonial doresc sa-mi exprim recunostinta pentru implicarea si suportul oferit de Asociatia Utilizatorilor de Servicii Financiare din Romania (AURSF) si de presedintele asociatiei, Alin Iacob. Am fost intr-o situatie dificila ca debitor in franci elvetieni (CHF) si ratele creditului meu contractat la Raiffeisen Bank in 2007 au crescut

BETTER FINANCE Praises the Latest Proposal from the European Commission on Withholding Tax in Europe

Date: 20th June 2023 Author: BETTER FINANCE Type: Press Releases BETTER FINANCE supports the recent proposal put forth by the European Commission, aimed at simplifying the reimbursement of cross-border withholding taxes. Guillaume Prache, the Managing Director of BETTER FINANCE, expresses cautious optimism and states, “This proposal, which was swiftly introduced

The Proposed Retail Investment Strategy Shows Potential for Investor Protection Progress, but Fails to Meet Own Key Targets

PRESS RELEASE BETTER FINANCE Brussels, 24 May 2023 BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users, welcomed the European Commission’s launch of a Retail Investor Strategy in September 2020, as a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a capital markets Union that works for people. Nevertheless,

Withholding Tax on Cross-Border Dividends in the EU continues to be a nightmare for investors

PRESS RELEASE BETTER FINANCE Brussels, 15 May 2023 Many investors commonly use the strategy of investing in dividend stocks. Yet, investors holding foreign shares often have to pay additional withholding tax on dividends in the respective country. A recent survey conducted by BETTER FINANCE and DSW among 3,000 investors across