Categorie: 2024

BETTER FINANCE Raises Alarm: Is the EU’s Push for Securitisation Revival Putting Financial Stability at Risk?

Date: 13th December 2024 Author: Type: Press Releases Brussels | Press Release BETTER FINANCE, the leading voice for EU savers and individual investors, opposes the political push to “revive” the securitisation market in the European Union. In its response to the European Commission’s consultation on the matter, BETTER FINANCE warns that

Salvarea noastra dupa 16 ani de lupta cu sistemul bancar – testimonial Popa Cornelia

Ma numesc Popa Cornelia si, in anul 2008, am contractat un credit in valoare de 101.300 CHF pentru achizitionarea unui apartament cu ipoteca. Lipsa de experienta si educatie financiara s-au dovedit, in timp, dezastruoase. Nici nu mai mentionez prin cate incercari a trecut familia mea. Dar am rezistat, iar Dumnezeu